A while back - as I was thinking back on lots which has happened in my past, I remembered the one entry which I posted here. It was at a pivotal time in my life - May of 2001. My husband had asked me for a divorce, but when I wrote the entry, he had asked to "try again". Things were tentative, but hopeful.
It's over 10 years later, and I'm still with my husband, and I'm glad and relieved we didn't get a divorce. Things are not perfect, and I suspect that I've reverted back to some of my overly dependent self. Reading this reminded me of the need I have to jump start personal independence.
It's been a difficult decade really, though, oddly, I still think back fondly to it, mainly because I feel pretty good now.
Hubby retired (October 2001) and we are living a "snowbird" lifestyle -- wintering on Hilton Head Island and our summers are still on Long Island.
In late 2001 our son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, and it was a serious case, as medication didn't touch it after a while. It resulted in two surgeries for the removal of his colon and formation of a J-pouch from his small intestine. This was done in November 2003 / and February 2004. All is well with that now (or, should I say, so far), and he's 33, is married now (September 2009) and has a job as a graphic designer with a real estate firm. No grandchildren yet, though!
Both of my husband's parents have passed on, 2008 and 2009 respectively. They both had difficult decades prior to their deaths, and were in a nursing home from 2006 on. Both ended up with Dementia (with his mom's being Alzheimers, which we realized later began as far back as 1999), and his father was effectively blind and deaf and he could not walk. I pray that this is not the way I go. It was what I'd classify as a "slow, painful death, and it was hard to watch. I have become incredibly grateful for my own health.
My mom also has her own brand of dementia. She's 90 and is in fragile health herself. She broke her hip last year at about this time, and this March she nearly died of congestive heart failure. Some medications brought her back - but it's not going to get better - not really. I'm glad to have this time - like we were given a "bonus". I have added a few interests which weren't there a decade ago, namely digital photography. I love it, and concentrate mainly on nature: birds, wildlife, landscapes, flowers. I have a site on Flickr (sweetmeow) where they are located. I still love music, and continue to play the flute, mainly in church and with my friend, Claire. I don't think anyone has read my one small little entry. But - in case anyone has and is wondering - this is the short version of what has happened since. However, I have continued to journal. In September of 2001, I began a new online diary over at Live Journal, and, with the exception of a few months, I've remained steadfast and updated often. I've met many people there, some who have become good friends, both online and off. My entries are not public, and are "locked" to "friends only" within Live Journal.
But - here is the link for anyone (who might be a member of Live Journal) who would like to discuss with me about reading my journal there:
And ... this probably will be my last Diaryland entry....! (But - - one never knows!)
1:39 a.m. - 2012-06-28
Recent entries:
How does one update after a decade of life? - 2012-06-28
The Marriage - 2001-05-23
My profile